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My Education & Experience

I was born into an Irish family as the youngest of 4 children and was raised on a beautiful farm in Northern Kentucky. I was surrounded by cows, a horse, geese, dogs and cats and 13 cousins. I spent more time playing in a barn and a creek, picking raspberries and corn then I did inside of a house every Summer. I went to Thomas More College and graduated with a degree in Biology and Psychology. I attended medical school at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. I love Kentucky basketball more than any other sport in the world.

I earned a medical degree in 1993 and journeyed to the University of Utah for a residency training in Pediatrics/Psychiatry/Child Psychiatry. In 1998, I joined the Public Health Service to work in Wolf Point, Montana for Indian Health Service. Those 3 years were transformational, and I will never forget the medicine I learned and the amazing humans I met. In a place where it was common to be 30 degrees below zero in January. I ended my formal training at the Children’s Hospital of Austin, TX in Pediatrics in 2002. I have worked for the government, private practice and nonprofit organizations and have 25 years of clinical experience working with children, families and adults.

About Peggy OHara, MD

I am grateful and excited to offer psychiatric services at Serenity Psychiatry of NC, PLLC. It has taken me a lifetime to get here and many ages and stages of my career.

The journey can be overwhelming in this modern age. In the rush, we tend to lose touch with peace that is available in the moment. Conscious awareness of ourselves requires motivation, practice, support and an open mind. I prescribe psychiatric medications for symptoms of anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, OCD. I believe in their value as a tool for transformation. My clinical approach is scientific (evidenced-based) and holistic. There is more to my practice than pills. Self-reflection, honesty and drive are required to transform and optimize the body, brain and spirit.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.” -Buddha

Services: ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar Illness, Depression, Genetic Testing, Trauma, Women's Health

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